
 Are you interested in having Wish You Knew host a space for your company, department, ministry or other group? Some of the recent offerings available are listed below. If nothing here feels like what you are looking for, reach out to Karen to set up a call and see what is possible. Spaces can be set-up for group processing, transitions, wrestling with identity challenges, mindfulness, discernment, self-care and more and can range from 60 minute experiences to multi-day retreats. If you know what you are looking for, you can also fill out an intake form here and Karen will be in touch.

Workplace Integrative Mindfulness looks at the benefits of mindfulness in our daily lives and dives into various formal and informal mindfulness techniques that can be incorporated into a busy schedule, work culture, or chaotic moments.

Courageous Conversation in Times of Polarization is a virtual, interactive workshop which provides new ways of thinking about how we engage in difficult and polarizing conversations and opportunities to lean into some of that discomfort, practicing strategies so we can build bridges with those who think differently. (2hr workshop)

Speaking to their Listening – Strategies for engagement in polarizing conversations is an opportunity to look at some additional strategies, take time to practice, and continue developing the muscle memory for meaningful engagement. This is also being offered in a virtual, interactive format.

Who are you? Reckoning with identity From what we buy and where we work to those we choose to spend time with and those whose decisions may be attributed to us, identity shapes every moment of our days. How often to we stop to really consider and honor those identities? How do we unpack the baggage we carry? How do we process when one of our identities is threatened? This reflective workshop gives us a chance to grapple with these questions and tools to continue our journey’s into whatever our new reality holds.